LeapUp Learning After-School Club keeps students busy and engaged throughout the afternoons in a relaxed and supportive environment. Students participate in the following activities:
Homework Club: Practice organizational and time management skills. Students do their homework in a supportive environment.
Current Event Club: Learn what is happening around the world through kids-friendly news outlets. Discuss current events among peers.
Open Mic Club: Practice public speaking skills. Stand up and give a speech any way you want. The stage is yours.
Academic Club: Students work on Singapore Math and ELA Reading Comprehension worksheets to strengthen and boost academic skills.
Mandarin Club: Practice Mandarin speaking. Listen to Chinese stories and learn the culture.
Free Play Club: It’s “me time”. Relax, read a book, play cards, board games, catch up with friends.
Pick up service can be arranged if 3 or more students are coming from the same school within walking distance from our center. Please call 646-8700560 to discuss.